Japanese-German exchange program 2013
posted by Kaneda – on Sun. 08.September 2013
This exchange program exist since 1990. Since then, a german or japanese group going to visit other culture alternately every year. Many friendships were made since then and that is what really kept this exchange alive. Ludger Vorndieck from Kreis-Steinfurt is the responsilbe person on the "sausage" side. Youth organisation "Harmony-Center" in Tokyo, is standing as a representator for the "sushi" side. This August a Japanese group of 9 youngsters with Gyuchan (Harmony-Center), visited us in Kreis Steinfurt (Muensterland-Germany) to drink german beer and eat oishi sausages. But there will be more then just this! German and European volunteers have participated on this program to set up a nice and fun-schedule.
Warning! I am not a good writer, proceed at own risk...
18th August, Sunday
4:00 AM
A phone-alarm woke me up in the morning, i was actually not sleeping due to the amount of coffee I drunk on the evening before. There was also this strange person with two pistols standing at the corner of a room, giving me that strange feeling to be whatched. I stayed overnight at the apartment of my friend, who also wanted to come to Amsterdam airport to pic up our Japanese friends.
5:00 AM We arrived at meeting point near Autobahn in Rheine, where more volunteers already waited for us. Three van's were ready to go and we hit direction Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.
7:00 AM
Our guest landed at 6:45AM so we were just in time to pic them up. The problem was, that the driver of the first van had no idea were to park. He missed the parking entry twice, so we ended up holding at the bus stop, ... witch was not so good idea. After "throwing" the luggage in to the cars, we did a fast introduction and left the airport for good, bearly without getting a parking ticket.
9:00 AM - Zandvoort
First I thought it was a joke, when Ludger said, "Now we going to Zandvoort to see the ocean". :D It was cold and it starts to rain. I laugh out loud as I saw the ocean . クレイジーおやじ! I held the car and nobody realy wanted to get out. Are you serious? But then we got out. どうもありがとうございます. We looked for the next cafeteria and found finaly one. After a small warm up the weather became better and we went to the beach.
klick here to see more pictures
1:00 PM - Giethoorn (Venice of Netherlands)
Our next stop was a small town Giethoorn that is also known as a venice of netherlands where you can rent a boat to cruise around the town. But before that, we held in a small tavern for a lunch. That was a pretty nice experience for a Gyuchan, who found out that the spaghetti in Holland does not taste same as in Japan :) いただきます。
7:00 PM - JuBi Tecklenburg
As we reach Jugendbildungstaette JuBi Tecklenburg everyone were realy tired, exept of Japanese group. They absolutely wanted to go for a walk thru the town. That's was a moment when I thought, it's going to be a realy nice week. ;D
19th August, Monday
9:00 AM - First meeting / introduction
After the breakfast, we gathered in the conference room to introduce ourself propertly and discuss the plans for this week.
おはよございます! Guten Morgen! Ich heiße ...
Thank's to Ludger and Mari for the moderation.
10:30 AM - Canoeing in Ems
We arived at 10:00 in Telgte, where "Rucksack" team allready awaited us. After some basics the teams of each 3 members were formed and everyone was ready for a paddle. Everyone inklusive the rain that comes up after everyone starts aboard the canoe. Oh man that sucks! But wait! What kind of adventure is a memorable one? Exactly! That, under extreme condition is a memorable one ;)
klick here to see more pictures from this canoe trip
18:30 AM - BBQ at JuBi Tecklenburg
At the evening we had a nice BBQ with sausages and steak's. We stayed outside until it became dark and talked about this and that. Some girls of a japanese group came up with a "Shonen Jump" manga magazine that was took attention of others. On one page there was a nearly perv illustration that realy attracted the attention of the whole group. There is actually a funny photo of it, that you can find it in the gallery
20th August, Tuesday
9:00 AM - Morning meeting
We started this morning with an interesting game, what i actually don't had to do (thanks to my camera) and discussed the plan's for this day. Then Ludger came up with a idea that every japanese member should get one german "partner" for study his hobby's etc.. The goal was, to be able make a small presentation of your partner to the others. The presentation would be on the next monday, so we got enough time for that.
10:30 AM - Castle Nordkirchen & Castle Luedinghausen
We took a small break and hold at the Burg Café, were we should to use the opportunity to spoke with eachother about our hobby's. My partner was Asami and I found out that she is also like K-POP!
2:00 PM - Muenster Cathedral and its surroundings
klick here to see more pictures from Muenster
It was a very long afternoon and the only thing i can remember is 腹減った!!! And we went for the lunch.
4:00 PM - Shopping Time!
Finally the girls had their opportunity to go shopping, end we all spread in groups over the inner city.
8:00 PM - Italian restaurant - Muenster old port area
What is typical japanese? It's obviously making photos of a food and put it online! Hell yea! Some german members actually copy this kind of behaviour. "Stop stop don't eat!" ... wtf why? "I have to shoot a pic!"
21th August, Wednesday
Forenoon Graf-Stauffenberg-Gymnasium (Highschool) in Osnabrueck
That's starts realy funny this morning, when we relealized that we were standing for the 20 minutes at the wrong school, because nobody came out to pic us up. We went back to the car's and spend about 7 minutes to reach our destination Graf-Stauffenberg-Gymnasium.
At the school we took a part on different lessons. From arts and biology to the math and physics. I went with Lisa, Asami and Daichi to the art and then to the english lesson, where the typical question from the pupils to us was, "Do you like Dragon Ball Z?" or "Are you good in Karate?" o_O At the lunchbreak we went to the school cafeteria, that turn out to be a relatively small.
At the afternoon we split in two groups A&B.
-> Group A: Went to the creativ workshop to Ibbenbueren KAJA-West to make "Origami out of steel". This workshop do a different large sized art projects, that came near the traffic road or roundabout traffic. The japanese group should help people who worked on this projekt to get an imagination how to fold an origami and also what kind of color pattern should be used.
At this afternoon Asami, Tomoka and Lisa proved everyone their drawing skills.
-> Group B: went to the Melkhus Leifker farm in Neuenkirchen. If someone who went with group B has some pictures from this trip, please send me 3-4 good one, that i could publish them here.
After KAJA we went to the famous german supermarket K&K = Komm & Klau
Renshiro & Ryu were happy to buy some Lakritz for their friends in Japan. *that's evil*^^
We celebrate the end of this day at Gasthof Prigge in Tecklenburg
かんぱい! Prost! ダイネ・ムダ!
22th August, Thursday
One day in Bremen
@Maik: I thought that this is actually your part to write a summary. Please write max. 5-6 sentences to describe this trip to Bremen.
23th August, Friday
Forenoon Toeddengolf in Hopsten
To do some sports we went to Hopsten city, where we could feel like Tiger Woods by smashing balls in to the air. On this day european voluntary from France, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania and Romania also took part on this program. After a small introduction and test shots in to the net, we build teams and went out.
klick here to see more pictures from this golf tour
Afternoon - Schuetzenfest (shoot the bird festival)
Thats was actually very nice one. Shooting with permanently installed air rifle at the wooden bird! Those kind of things you definitely do not in Japan. In Germany we actually use it as excuse for getting drunk. But in our case, we ate sausages :)
klick here to see more pictures from this shooting event
Lady's and gentelman, here are the winners:
Left wing: Gyuchan (Flügelkönig)
Right wing: Maik (Flügelkönig)
Tail: Alexandra (Schwanzkönigin) that's actually sounds more authentical in german
Bird: Corina (Schützenkönig)
At this point, special thanks for the organization of this event! It was a wonderful afternoon!
24th & 25th August, a weekend with host families
Friday evening was the time, when every japanese member came into his/her host family. They spend saturday and sunday with them and had a unique opportunity to take part on internal activities and get the insight in german way of life. No travel agency has a possibilities to offer something like this. That is what makes this exchange program so unique. The same applies to the German, visiting Japan.
26th August, Monday
Forenoon - Introducing your buddy
This morning everyone came back from the host families to JuBi Tecklenburg. We were sitting in the entry lobby and talking about weekend activities. Afterwards we went upstairs to our meeting room, were we should do the "presentation of your buddy".
Afternoon Nettebad in Osnabrück
First we should go to the climbing park in Ibbenbüren, but the majority of us wanted to go for swimming in Nettebad, Osnabrück instead. So we went there and it was much better idea. We spend about 5 hours sitting in hot tub, swimming outside, falling 5m down in to the water sloop or just laying lazy in the sun. That was the last day of our program we spend all together and nobody really wants to rush.
Honami drove us back home ...
Evening - Sayonaraparty in JuBi Tecklenburg
Sayonaraparty is the culmination of this program. Usualy a japanese group prepare some performance for this evening and perform it in the front of hostfamilies and other german members who were in anyway participated on this exchange program. But it is also bacame a use that some german members also prepare something for this evening.
klick here to see more pictures from the sayonara party
27th August, Tuesday
It's time to say goodbye...
A bus took us to the Amsterdam next morning. Our japanese group were realy tired from the after-party tonight, that they slept a whole ride of 2h. Nobody likes to talk about saying goodbye, so in this case I will stop this summary here by just saying, 次回まで!
みなさん どもありがとう ございました! コメントを書いてください!
Sunnyboy's Special
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1 comment to Japanese-German exchange program 2013 |
Maggy ~ on: 09.09.2013 at 22:03 |
| Great! Nice to read! Good work! | |